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Benefits of professional photo video in selling or renting 

When it comes to selling or renting a home, having professional photos and videos can make a world of difference.

Not only do they help potential buyers or tenants get an accurate impression of the home and its features, but they also help to make a listing stand out from the competition. 

In an increasingly competitive market, having professional photos and videos of a home can be the difference between a successful sale or rental and one that falls through. Professional photos and videos can help to make a property look more inviting and desirable, increasing its chances of being chosen over other listings. Professional photography can also help to highlight any unique features or amenities that a home may have, making it more attractive to potential buyers or tenants. 

The benefits of having professional photos and videos of a home extend beyond just increasing its chance of being sold or rented. Professional photos and videos can also help to reduce the number of viewings necessary to close a sale or rental. Potential buyers and tenants are more likely to make an offer on a property if they can get an accurate impression of it from the photos and video. This means that they are more likely to make an offer after viewing the property in person, saving time and money in the long run. 

Having professional photos and videos of a home can also help to increase its value. Professional photos can help to show off the best features of a home, making it more attractive to potential buyers or tenants. Professional videos can also help to show off the home in a more engaging way, making it easier for potential buyers or tenants to envision themselves living in the property.  

Finally, having professional photos and videos of a home can help to speed up the sale or rental process. Potential buyers or tenants are more likely to make an offer on a property if they can get an accurate impression of it from the photos and video. This means that the sale or rental process can be completed more quickly, saving time and money in the long run. 

In summary, having professional photos and videos of a home can be extremely beneficial when it comes to selling or renting a property. Not only do they help to increase the chances of a successful sale or rental, but they also help to reduce the number of viewings necessary to close a sale or rental. They can also help to increase the value of a home, as well as speed up the sale or rental process. All in all, having professional photos and videos of a home can make a world of difference when it comes to selling or renting a property. 

How to prepare your house for a real estate photo video session 

Preparing your house for a real estate photo or video session can be a daunting task, but with a few simple steps you can make sure your house looks its best and is ready to impress potential buyers. Whether you’re selling your house or just trying to spruce it up, these tips will help you get the most out of your real estate photo or video session. 

1. De-clutter and clean 

The first and most important step in preparing your house for a real estate photo or video session is to de-clutter and clean. Put away any clutter, such as toys, magazines, and knick-knacks, and make sure the floors are free of dirt and debris. Vacuum and mop the floors, and dust and clean all surfaces. This will help the photographer capture clean, clear images of your home and make it look its best. 

2. Add some color 

Adding a few pops of color to your home can make it look more inviting and attractive to potential buyers. If you’re selling your house, consider adding some fresh flowers or a colorful throw rug to your living room. If you’re just sprucing up your home, you can add a few decorative items or pieces of art to brighten up the space. 

3. Create an inviting atmosphere 

Creating an inviting atmosphere in your home is key to making it look its best. Make sure the lights are on and the windows are open to let in natural light. You can also add a few candles or scented diffusers to make the space feel cozy and inviting. 

4. Stage the space 

Staging your home is an important step in preparing it for a real estate photo or video session. This means arranging furniture and decor items in an aesthetically pleasing way. You want to create a balance between open space and furniture, as well as add a few personal touches to make the space feel more lived-in. 

5. Make sure the outside looks good 

The outside of your house is just as important as the inside when it comes to preparing for a real estate photo or video session. Make sure the lawn is mowed and the shrubs are trimmed. Clean off the porch and add a few colorful potted plants. This will help make a great first impression and make your house look its best. 

The outside of your house is just as important as the inside when it comes to preparing for a real estate photo or video session. Make sure the lawn is mowed and the shrubs are trimmed. Clean off the porch and add a few colorful potted plants. This will help make a great first impression and make your house look its best.